Posted by: rccgstrongtower

Grow in the Knowledge of God

The Righteous Shall Flourish: Lessons Part 7 (P7) from the Book of Ps 92:12-14 – GROW IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD

“The Righteous shall flourish like the Palm Tree: He shall grow like a Cedar in Lebanon” (Psalms 92:12). That is our Scripture Text for today.
Continuing our learning from the characteristics of a Cedar tree; according to agriculturists, the natural oils in the Cedar tree do not develop in the younger trees. The oil become visible when the trees have grown appreciably. Recall, this is the same oil that makes the Cedar tree smell good. It is the same oil that makes the Cedar tree to kill insects and fungi. This oil also enables the Cedar tree to be used in making perfumes and resistant to diseases.
Now, if the natural oil in the Cedar tree only develops in mature trees, then, it simply means that there are unique qualities of the Cedar tree that wouldn’t manifest until it is mature. One can deduce therefore, that there are some distinct features in the Cedar tree that are dependent on its growth.

Beloved, glean a lesson from the Cedar tree: There are things you won’t enjoy in the Kingdom until you begin to mature (Heb 5:14). There are heights you may not be able to attain until you achieve certain degree of maturity in your walk with God (Deu 5:33; Heb 5:4). There are hidden treasures and provisions in the Scriptures which may remain elusive to you until you decide to grow beyond your present level in your knowledge of God (1 Peter 2:2; 2 Peter 3:18).

Today, make up your mind to grow up! Grow in your communion with God and with others. Don’t stay at the same spot you were last year. Grow your self-confidence (1 John 5:14). Increase your prayer time (1 Thess 5:17). Increase what you do (Kingdom Service) for God and do it sacrificially (John 9:4; 2 Sam 24:24). Increase what you know about your career and business. Gain more maturity in your dealings with people. Be more mature the way you address others. Grow up out of ceaseless seasonal mood-swings.

Don’t live a child forever! Grow up! Mature men and women dwell in the place of virtues!


Pray with me, “Lord, please help me to grow in grace and attain more spiritual maturity in my walk with you in Jesus’ name” Amen.

Have a Blessed Friday!


Ps Funso Akin Ojelabi

Senior Pastor, RCCG STA Melbourne

Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved, other than the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST” Acts 4:12.


(Accept JESUS today as your Lord and Saviour!)